選 單
  • 清境珂之幄山莊 | 清境農場 合歡山民宿|官方網站 The Cotswolds Villa - B&B in Qingjing Farm
  • 清境珂之幄山莊 | 清境農場 合歡山民宿|官方網站 The Cotswolds Villa - B&B in Qingjing Farm
  • 清境珂之幄山莊 | 清境農場 合歡山民宿|官方網站 The Cotswolds Villa - B&B in Qingjing Farm
  • 清境珂之幄山莊 | 清境農場 合歡山民宿|官方網站 The Cotswolds Villa - B&B in Qingjing Farm
近青青草原、門口有公車站牌 Short Walking Distance to Qingjing Farm & Bus Stop
優惠日期 2019/01/01 - 2026/12/31
聯絡電話 049-2802388
聯絡傳真 049-2802863

我家門口有「南投客運」站牌, 可搭公車來清境 & 合歡山玩 smiley

※ 搭乘公車來本山莊

  1. 請選擇南投客運
  2. 請選擇往「翠峰」「松崗」的班次
  3. 請在「清境加油站 / 娜嚕灣」下車
  4. 請往回走二十公尺即可見到外面種滿落羽松的白色洋房~那就是我們喔!wink


  1. 若要保證有位置,需前一天的中午前,致電南投客運預約:049-298-4037 轉分機 17
  2. 請告知服務人員您要在「清境加油站 / 娜嚕灣上、下車
  3. 費用、班次與路線,請詳見南投客運網站

*注意:請勿在「青青草原/清境農場」或「國民賓館」下車,因為這兩站離我們分別還有五百公尺與三公里之遙。請記得在「清境加油站 / 娜嚕灣」下車唷!



500M Away From Qingjing Farm & 50M Away From Bus Stop smiley

 Directions from the cities to The Cotswolds Villa:

  1. Please choose Nantou Bus (now the only company that operates this route).
  2. Take the route whose destination is "Songgang" or "Cuifeng." 
  3. Get off at "Naruwan."  You will see a CPC Gas Station right across the street.
  4. Walk backwards 50 meters, and you will see a white house with trees on your left-hand side.
  5. That is us~ wink

 Directions from The Cotswolds Villa to Hehuan Mountains:

  1. To guarantee seats, please call Nantou Bus a day before by noon (12PM). TEL: 049-298-4037 Ext. 17.
  2. Please tell them you need to get on/off at Naruwan / Cingjing Gas Station.
  3. Bus scheudle and stop information can be found here.
  4. For detailed info, please refer to our blog.

*Note: Please do not get off at "Qingjing Farm," "Green Green Grassland," or "Qingjing Guest House," as they are still 500 meters and 3 kilometers away from us. Please get off  at "NARUWAN," or let the driver know you need to get off there.

*Need a door-to-door shuttle? Please contact us, and we will sort it out for you:

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We are also just 500 meters away, about 7-10 minutes of walking distance, from Qingjing Farm, where the sheep sheering show is held (on weekends and holidays).